The Chattar Manzil of Lucknow is
one of the most famous tourist attractions. Read about Chattar
Manzil of Lucknow, India

of the imposing structures built by the Nawabs of Lucknow, Chattar
Manzil is a very famous tourist attraction of Lucknow. The most
unique thing about the Chattar Manzil of Lucknow is the strikingly
different architecture. The most prominent feature of this grand
structure is the Umbrella-shaped dome from which it has derived its
name. The construction also has some elements of the European
architecture thus proving that it must have been pretty much
influenced by the modern style of architecture of Europe.
The Nawab of Lucknow, Ghazi-ud-din Haider started the construction
of the Chattar Manzil but he died in between. It was then completed
by his son Nasir-ud-din Haider. The Chattar Manzil still retains its
old world charm. Some say it was later remodeled by the British as
per their tastes. Today, the Chattar Manzil has been remodeled to
serve as an office for the Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI).